Easy Overnight Oatmeal


Porridge with berries (1)Do you want the taste and goodness of oatmeal made from steel cut oats without the 30-40 minute cooking time? Have it waiting for you on the stove when you start your day by using this easy recipe.

I make this large recipe (serves 9), then use what’s left over for the rest of the week (it is good for up to a week).




2 1/4 c. steel-cut oats

9 c. water

Pure maple syrup

Pick any of these to top with:

1/3 c. toasted slivered almonds

1/3 c. dried cranberries

1/3 c. blueberries

1/3 c. strawberries

2 T. ground flaxseed per bowl


1. In a large pot, boil the oats in the water for 1 minute. Cover and let stand overnight at room temperature.

2. The next morning, uncover the oats, heat on medium high until the oats start to boil. Reduce the heat to low and simmer, sirring frequently, until the oatmeal is cooked and creamy but still chewy (5-7 minutes). Sweeten the oatmeal with pure maple syrup.

3. Top with slivered almonds and fruit if you would like. Also, 2 T. of ground flaxseed per bowl (and be sure to add some milk to keep it from getting too thick) gives even more of a nutritional boost to this already-healthy breakfast.

*Steel cut oats are getting easier to find on grocery shelves in the cereal aisle. I usually purchase mine from the bulk section at Sprouts.

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4 Comments on Easy Overnight Oatmeal

  1. Suzanne
    October 7, 2011 at 10:10 am (13 years ago)

    Can’t wait to try this. Thanks for sharing your recipe (and your heart for healthy eating).

    • Brenna
      November 2, 2011 at 3:01 pm (13 years ago)

      It really is delicious. I’m getting more and more family members on board with eating a healthier breakfast!

  2. Stephanie
    October 9, 2011 at 5:33 pm (13 years ago)

    Since your fam is so into cooking healthy, you really should check out Azure Standard. You can order most organic, produce, grains, steel cut oats, etc through them, and as long as you order in bulk they are much less expensive than anything you can find at Sprouts, Whole Foods, etc. It has really helped us get the “dirty dozen” at a price that’s affordable and realistic to maintain our grocery budget. You order the first week of the month and they deliver the second week of the month. There is a drop site in Allen. I have just recently started ordering from them and everything has been extremely high quality. Like everything sold in bulk, you have to be cautious about what is a good price and what is just not, but I can’t beat their prices on apples, wheat, raw sugar, oats, rice, and all of it’s organic!

    • Brenna
      November 2, 2011 at 3:00 pm (13 years ago)

      Thank you for all the info, Stephanie! I am so glad to know about this now.