Running the Numbers for 2010
½ …of the Dynamic Duo. Batman Derek delighted preschool birthday party attendees (and had as much fun as the kids!)
1…Spring Break Mission Trip to Belize (Dillon), surprise Toby Mac concert/backstage meet & greet for Caleb and his buddy, glorious drive through Rocky Mountain National Park listening to “How Great is Our God”, arthroscopic knee surgery (Brenna).
2…triathlons, soloists in the children’s musical “Esther-Ordinary Faith” (Karis & Micah), musicals Derek performed in.
3…weeks of summer drawing camp.
4…brothers produced a “Parked on Piano” CD, kids went to a week at Sky Ranch Camp and had a blast.
5…minutes for the Stull family to ski from the top of the mountain at Red River to the lower ski lift to get in one last run before the lifts closed their last day of skiing, height of Derek’s tall unicycle (in feet).
8… the inches Derek has grown in the last year.
10….minute-long surprise 40th birthday party for friend Jon Poe at a Colorado Springs gas station when we crossed paths traveling from/to Colorado this summer (basically, cupcakes eaten in 2 booths and a “Happy Birthday” song, and a gift opening!), number of stories Chris and the boys leapt off of a platform after they zip lined ¼ mile down a mountain in Branson, MO.
15…number of stitches Karis got (after accidents resulting in cuts on the knee and chin).
16…MBHS tennis team members, including Dillon, who made history by qualifying for regionals (and made it to the semi-finals).
20…years of marriage celebrated in Laguna Beach, CA.
24…hours. The time Brenna and Chris had for Derek’s surprise room makeover (from western theme to music/band theme).
60…Number of pheasant Chris, his dad, his uncle and cousin got hunting in South Dakota.
90+…mph pitches Derek caught from former Texas Ranger pitcher on a Germany baseball mission trip.
125…Percentage our car insurance went up this year. Dillon and Derek got their license/permit the same week.
300+…the number of roses our Belinda’s Dream rosebush provided for us to enjoy.
350…FBC McKinney youth to camp, and Chris and Brenna went as sponsors.
490…youth participated in FBC McKinney’s DiscipleNow weekend, including 8 high school juniors at the Stull’s house.
9,000…people who came to our church’s Christmas Journey, in which Chris was a Roman Guard, Dillon was Jesus on the cross, Derek was a shepherd and Brenna and the kids were Bethlehem shoppers.
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His love endures forever (Psalm 136:1). Looking forward to 2011 and praying His grace will cover your lives as you enter into the New Year.
Susan Bramlett
December 31, 2010 at 11:29 pm (14 years ago)Thanks, Brenna, Happy New Year to you and the family~
Brenda Nixon
January 10, 2011 at 9:39 am (14 years ago)Yikes, what an informative blog! Hey, Brenna, I’m looking forward to having you as my guest on The Parent’s Plate radio show tomorrow morning! I love your book Coah Mom and know you’ll have tons to share with my listeners.