Make Every Minute Count

Psalm 90:12 expresses my heart’s cry: “Teach us to number our days aright, O Lord, that we might gain a heart of wisdom.” The most tragic thing I can think of is not a  life that ends, but one that never begins.

That is where “make every minute count” comes in. That does not mean to pack more and more into every second in a crazy frenzy. It does mean taking the time to snuggle on the couch with my husband, read a book to my child, learn to swim/bike/run so I can do my first triathlon, stop to breathe in every moment of a beautiful sunset, take the time to cry with a friend who has just received bad news, dance and sing with my child to a favorite song.

My prayer is that through my speaking and writing, women will have a better understanding of God’s great love for them and His purpose for their lives. I pray they will learn to embrace each day with joy, engaging life to its fullest potential.

Join me in this journey to
make every minute count!